Sunday, April 01, 2007

My Fiftieth Post

I was going to publish a post about Community Supported Agriculture, but it's late so I'll just hit you with some pictures of my apartment and the classroom. I should have my thoughts on non-corporate farming together by lunchtime on Monday (Louisiana time).

Riveted by yet another life-changing lecture

Garma Sonam (Tyler) explains how nomads make cheese to the class. He is probably my favorite student. I spent the Lunar New Year with his family on the grassland.

grammar grammar grammar

Teachers get bored in class and stare out of the window, too (like last week, when a brushfire tore up the hill). This is my view.

The building that houses the English and Tibetan Departments.

A statue of the Man and Woman of Kham

Lunchtime tutorial

After a tutorial with Yudron (Leah) and Jenna. I visited Yudron, who got the highest score on the final last term, and her family last holiday. The picture of Lhasa was a gift from another student.

Gachu and Woko's families each gave me a printed thankha when I vised their homes during the winter holiday. The one on the left is a thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara, and on the right is a leader at the famous Serda monastery.


The eastward view from my living room, upriver

Bedroom view to the east

Eastward and downriver

A view to the northwest from my spare room

On clear mornings, the snow on this mountain is illuminated when the sun peaks the ridge opposite the river.

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