Thursday, October 26, 2006


[My internet service provider no longer seems willing or able to connect me to Apparently, the powers that be have discovered some of the reactionary and/or rightist propaganda I view and contribute on online journals such as Cenlamar, WeSawThat, KilgoreSmith, CenlaAntics and MediaGangBang.

Fortunately, accessing is no trouble at all, so I do not foresee any difficulty in continuing to update this website. On the other hand, is not blocked, so I will continue to read these blogs as I see fit. However, until I find an IP cloaker that will allow me to post content in addition to reading it, I won't be able to contribute to the online discussions.

Thanks Proxify! And Fkuc Yuo hCenise voGrennemt!]

anonymous web

UPDATE: I have found that NinjaIP runs cleanly and allows webposting. I'm back.

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